
Welcome to the Be Bold Blog!! There is so much that is going to happen on this site, it is going to be more than a place where I post about the Lord, but a place where people can come to connect and grow with other people. This site is to encourage people to be their boldest self and walk in humility and grace in their faith. Soooooo stay around and grow with us and subscribe or check back in every now and then!!

Idea behind Be Bold

AHHH WELCOME!! WE’RE SO HAPPY YOU MADE IT TO THE BE BOLD SITE!! Be bold is a movement, a lifestyle, and way more than just wearing a bold lip color or a new pair of shoes. It’s a way to live out your faith and your life. There is so much more to boldness than being loud and proud and I’m gonna walk through everything there is to boldness right here on this site. So stay around, be inspired, and join other sisters in Christ on their walk!!!



Purpose. What is purpose? I’m realizing now I’ve never really talked about it. I think it’s because I don’t think I understood it. What do we think of when we think of purpose? Do we think of a specific job? A life we think for ourselves that’s our purpose? Do we think purpose is specifically …


Be Bold. Two simple words that have lots of impact. There are lots of bold things in this world, but the boldest thing I love is my Christian faith. I love that we are called to love and not to hate, we are called to serve and be humble and not to boast, we are called to live like a man that came from the highest throne but was born in a manger. This blog is about how to live out that bold faith. I am Olivia Trolinger, a 17 year old girl who absolutely loves her faith and her creator. My hope for Be Bold is that it inspires and encourages people to live out their faith in a bold way. This is way bigger than just me or just this world. This blog is to help build the kingdom of heaven and help other people in their walk! I’m so excited that you found this site, and now that you’re here, stay around, subscribe, soak it all in, because it’s gonna get pretty awesome!!!


If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or blinding thoughts of insight, those are greatly encouraged, or if you want to join me on this journey and help expand, maybe even be featured on this site, or just share your story and how this site has helped you email me at olivia.trolinger@gmail.com or just reach out in any way!! I would love to hear your story and hear your testimony of the Lord’s goodness!! Thanks so much!!

My social media outlets are also linked above so you can contact me through those also!! I always announce on Instagram when I put a new blog post up so if you want to keep updated, give me a follow!!!