Be Bold

It has been a year of boldness, a year of grace, a year of learning, and a year of building my relationship with the Lord. There is so much more to boldness than I originally thought, and I figured I should share that on here. When I first started this blog, I didn’t expect it to be easy, but I also didn’t expect it to be this hard. I’ve had to learn a lot in the past year and break a lot of cycles that I had been repeating. Boldness is way more than standing up for your faith and taking the first steps in obedience, but it is also continuing being obedient in the small things too.

  1. Boldness is not glamorous, does not give you all praise and glory, and should not, will not, and will never give you the satisfaction your heart desires. I have lived for so long thinking that boldness will give me everything I ever needed, and if I said the right things and acted like I was bold, maybe, just maybe I could actually be bold. Which is totally not the case, living bold is not an all out, loud lifestyle but what I have found is that boldness is sometimes the complete opposite of loud and proud. It is quiet and subtle and made up of small bold decisions that when added up make one totally grand, bold life.
  2. Boldness is obedience even in the small things. Taking those first steps to boldness is easy. You have this high when you first start and you’re totally for this whole radical, bold life that you think is front of you. What I found out though is that radical, bold life will not be your everyday. Somedays will be harder than others and it will be more difficult to make those bold decisions, but it’s worth it.
  3. Continuing on a bold path will not always be easy and fun, which an easy and fun filled life was never promised to us in the first place. What was promised to us though was endless amounts of love and grace from the Lord, which will get us through any hardship or trial. The Lord is so good that he will love us through any thing and offer us grace every single second of our lives, we just have to be bold enough and humbled enough to accept the Lord into our lives and understand that even in the hard moments, he is right by our sides through it all.

Over this past year I have figured out more about boldness than I could ever imagine. Boldness is small and subtle in the background, but stepping up and being loud for the Lord when needed. Boldness is staying diligent about spending time with the Lord and reading and feeding into His word EVERYDAY! Boldness is accepting the season you are in and growing in your faith. Boldness is sticking up for yourself and others around you when really needed in a graceful and truthful way. Boldness is not being ashamed of your past and growing past your mistakes. Boldness is grace-filled, love-filled, and truth-filled. Boldness is finding friends around you that help you grow and push your relationship with the Lord. Boldness is running to His truth and his acceptance above any other persons. Boldness is learning not to run away from your problems but run to the Creator to fix your problems. Boldness is knowing your worth and who you are in the Lord before finding your identity in the things of this world or how many likes you get on your recent Instagram post. Boldness is learning not to compare your story to someone else’s just because they are in a different stage of life than you or have something you don’t have. Boldness is knowing that the Lord is good and will love you and walk you through any season of life, it is knowing that He will never leave you no matter how far you stray away from Him. Boldness is our faith, boldness is our Lord, and bold is how I want to live my life. Forever.

5 Replies to “Be Bold”

  1. This is so beyond true. Sometimes its hard to be bold, because you have that “what if this happens or what if I fail at it” mentality, but it only makes us stronger. I would rather take the chance and be bold than sit back and wonder about the “what if’s.” Thanks for sharing this Olivia, I am so excited to watch you grow and share your faith me and so many others.

  2. Love this post and you for doing this Olivia! Thank you for not letting the world dull your light!

  3. Your words have profoundly influenced my heart! Thank you for the awakening and reminders of what it is to BE BOLD! I hope to continue reading more of your blogs! 🙂

  4. SHOOT. Liv I am beyond proud of you. The Lord is so good to give you this message, thank you for being bold and being obedient!! Here’s to many more truth filled articles. The Lord is using you sis.

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