14 Things I’ve Learned In The First Month of School

It has been a month since school started, and man have I learned a lot since then. I’ve had good days and not so good days. Days I have failed and days I’ve wanted to quit school all together. I’ve prayed, I’ve worshipped, I’ve doubted, I’ve hidden, and I’ve sinned in the past month. And I feel like this has been more than just me, so I am sharing the 14 things I have learned in the past month of being in school.

14 Things I have learned in the first month of school:

Stress can take over your life

Stop worrying about things that you won’t even remember next week, or tomorrow, or even 2 seconds later

You need a daily dose of Jesus, every day, no matter what


Not every day is going to be the best day, and that’s ok

If you can’t solve a situation, pray about it

It’s ok to take a break from things

Don’t let those bad 10 seconds ruin your whole day

You don’t have to dress up every day, own your flaws girl

Worship music solves everything, gets you hype, and makes you cry, all at the same time.

There’s no need to get mad at things you can’t control

If you don’t understand something, don’t get upset and frustrated, slow down, ask questions, pray, it will all be ok

One grade is not going to affect your entire future

Stop stressing about the impending future, it will all happen in God’s timing


These are just a few, and I promise I will be more persistent in the future with my blog posts. But God has worked through me this month and I hope he has worked through you too. If you want to know more about any of these or need prayers, or really just need to talk. Feel free to reach out or to ask me questions, I don’t mind. Don’t forget to tell your friends about this, or subscribe!