
Change. A 6 letter word that makes most people scared and run away. But as we enter the autumn season change is all around us, and we love that change. We love that the air gets cooler, and the leaves change color, and even the time changes. I used to hate change, I used to want to stick to what was comfortable for me and never venture out into something new. But now I don’t want to not change and then miss out on something amazing.

God waits for us to change. If you aren’t ready for something, He will wait till we are perfectly seasoned to give us our next great adventure. Because for Him to use us fully for us to live out our purpose, we can’t be holding onto the sin that is weighing us down. We have to change and let go to step into what is truly promised for us.

I admit, I hate change, I hate to be in situations where I don’t know what is going to happen, or I don’t know anyone. But some of my happiest experiences have been when I’ve stepped out and done something new. When I was bold and accepted the change. When I just let go and let God. When I prayed and studied and worshiped. (Side note; I don’t know what it is about fall but seriously every day I just want to wake up and worship and pour my heart out because of what He is doing to nature)   I don’t know what sin you are holding onto, it could be something small or something big. But I encourage you to let go, to release the pain this sin is causing you and step into the full purpose God has for you. I encourage you to pray, to study the word, to worship till your heart explodes. God will reveal what you need to let go of if you don’t already know, and He will guide you and lead you to what He has promised for you!! Go be bold and accept change!!