What God Has Taught Me in the Past Year

This past year for me has been an interesting one for me. I’ve had a lot of hard times and had to experience some new things and let go of some old habits. Looking back at the place I was last year and where I am now, I have grown so much but I still have a lot more growing to do and more lessons to learn. But I am excited for what this next year has to bring, and the lessons I will get to learn, and growing in my faith. So in honor or 2018 here are 18 things that the Lord has taught me this year:

My worth comes form Him, not the things of this world or what people think of me

To stand up for myself and know what I deserve

Let go of toxic things, they are never good for you

It is okay to change and grow

New things are the best things


Making new friends is okay and also the best

No amount of negative things you say about yourself could amount to the beautiful and wonderful truth that God says about you

Scars fade and there is lessons and growth to come from everything

The bad times are supposed to happen: Romans 5:3 backs this up

Don’t doubt Him or His plan, just trust and let him take control

Don’t give up on Him or yourself, have faith that he will see the situation through and be with you every step of the way

Forgive yourself as fast as you forgive other people, forgiveness goes both ways

His love is never ending no matter what sin you have committed or mistake you have made

Your brokenness is ALWAYS welcome with Him

Let go and let God


Your strength comes from Him

2018 was one to remember, I had some bad and good times, but overall this year is the year I stepped into my faith and grew closer to the Lord and I will forever be grateful for this year! Let me know what God has taught you this year and what you are looking forward to in 2019! Also if there is a blog topic or something you would like to see from me in the next year let me know!! Thanks so much for your support of this journey this year and following along with me! This has been my greatest journey so far!!