
I am learning a hard truth. Comparison is the absolutely worst thing in the world, yes many people have said this before. But like every other person I get caught in the cycle of comparison. It steals you of your joy because you’re wanting someone else’s. It steals you of your own beauty because you’re trying to look like someone else’s version of beauty. And this process that I am learning is a slow one, a tough one, but such a chain breaking one.

I have always compared myself to other people, always wanted to act like them, to be like them because I always thought that my personality would never be enough.  I just never really noticed it until recently. I never really noticed that I would get frustrated that my pictures didn’t look that this one person I had seen, I didn’t notice I died my hair freshman year so then I would look like the girl I had always wanted to look like, I didn’t notice I was saying things that weren’t me because I wanted to act like this certain girl, I didn’t notice I was spending hundreds of dollars on clothes because then, finally then I could look like I wanted to. I didn’t notice I was doing those things, but I will admit, I did. I did every single one of those things because I wanted to be everyone else but me. I wanted to be cute and fun, not awkward and weird. I wanted to be my definition of pretty, blue eyes and blonde hair, I have brown eyes and brown hair so that didn’t work out either. I stalked other girls Instagram’s wanting to know what workouts they did, what they ate so I could eat that too, what make up products they were using so I could use them too, and I wanted to know where they bought their clothes, so I could buy the exact same thing. Totally unhealthy. And while sharing that stuff on Instagram is totally okay and wonderful, heck sometimes I even share that on my Instagram, it’s when your craving to be exactly like someone else and not be you is when it gets bad.

So here is the truth I am learning, no one else is you. No one else has the same story you do. Yes, some may be extremely similar, but we all encounter Christ in a different way, and he has something different for every single one of us. He isn’t going to make our story exactly like the girl sitting next to us in church because then what new things would we learn about God? If each one of us had the exact same story our faith would be a monotonous faith. We’d learn the exact same thing in church every Sunday, Wednesday, or whenever you go to church. No one would grow, no one would find new and exciting things out about our God. So, I am glad I’m my story isn’t like anyone else’s because that means my story has been personally written by the creator himself and that is the most touching thing. Just think about it, God wrote your beautiful and imperfect story personally, it’s unique it’s one of a kind, and he made you to be unique and one of kind and beautifully made to glorify him.

So, stop trying to look like Kylie Jenner, I have seen more girls who look like Kylie Jenner on my Instagram and it’s honestly over whelming, you aren’t supposed to look like her and girl I’m sure those lip fillers hurt (if you get lip fillers no shame, they are just not for me). Stop trying to look like that one girl you found on Instagram that has *insert large number here* followers. They are them, and you are you, and I’m sure that if they went and looked on your Instagram they would find something about you that they wished they had.

So in conclusion own who you are girl, be who God has made YOU to be because your story is unique, you are made to be one of a kind, and you are living out your bold faith exactly like God has planned for YOU too, no one else!!